Training not only our minds

Through sports, not only physical qualities are developed; rather, it is a way to acquire social skills and consolidate the instilment of habits, values and attitudes. A variety of sports are offered to all students at GCB. We deem the development of each child very important and not necessarily the training of future champions. We privilege team participation, collaborative learning, as well as the development of ethics through sports.

Extra-curricular Activities

The idea that the students take full advantage of their spare time is important to the GCB family. Therefore, we offer a full range of activities that allows the students to choose the best one for them, in order to develop their abilities in sports, arts and intellectually. As part of the options, the students can choose between different sport such as tennis, soccer, basketball, volleyball, swimming, skating, tae-kwon-do and horseback riding. Other more artistic options are robotics, mini-chef, choir, string instrument orchestra, ballet, aerial dancing among others.